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Welcome to the Grand Concourse Academy Charter School. We understand that your most important priority is your child’s development and education. The sole purpose of the Academy is to work in partnership with you to help your child discover and develop his or her potential. We believe children succeed when the teachers and administration are part of a team that includes both the child and his/her parents.

It is important that the work and fun of learning occurs both in the school and in the home. In this manual, we propose some of the steps we know to be critical in creating an effective learning environment at home and in our school. We will undoubtedly create new ones by working together collaboratively over the years ahead. More important than even its policies and procedures is the role the school asks you to play, reinforcing and extending what is learned during the day. 

Of greater importance is the attitude you display toward your child’s learning. Today’s world does not always make it easy for children to learn, but nevertheless it is what nature wants them to do. Our program will tap their curiosity and their eagerness to please you and their teachers.

Please constantly communicate the high value you place on learning as well as your hope that your child finds school to be fun and enjoyable. Consistently use the suggestions included here, as well as your own ideas, for reinforcing and extending lessons. Prepare your child to actively participate in the lessons each day. Encourage them to ask questions when they are unsure and ask for help as often as they need to. But most of all, help us deliver the message that learning is fun. So tell them to relax and enjoy learning.

Finally, we understand that you’ve gone out of your way to enroll your child in the Grand Concourse Academy and that entrusting your child to us is close to an act of faith.   We will work as hard as we can to justify that faith. We will also have a deep and abiding faith in your child’s potential to flourish when we work together as an educational team throughout the year.

Thank you for your support!

GCA Board of Trustees, the Principal, the Administrative Staff, and the Faculty

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